
Collection of Personal Information

We may gather personal information from you through various means when you interact with our website. This includes visiting our site, registering, subscribing to our newsletter, contacting us via email or phone, and engaging with other features, services, or resources on our site. The information requested may include your name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. We will only collect your personal information if you willingly provide it. You have the option to decline providing personal information; however, this may limit your participation in certain site-related activities.

Collection of Non-Personal Information

Whenever you engage with our site, we may collect non-personal information to enhance and monitor our website. This information can include your browser name, the type of device you are using, technical details related to your internet connection (such as the operating system, browser type, and internet service provider), data about your interactions with our site, including the content you view and engage with, as well as details about your browsing session, IP address, and approximate location. Please note that IP addresses are not connected to personally identifiable information.

Cookie Usage

We utilize cookies on our website for the following purposes:

  • Enhancing website usability.
  • Analyzing website traffic and gathering visitor statistics.

Use of Personal Data

We only use your personal data for specific purposes, including sending you informational emails, press releases, and event invitations.

Data Collected by Spacelight Studio

Spacelight Studio may collect the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

This information is collected if you subscribe to our newsletter or engage in correspondence with us.

Right to Access

You have the right to request access to the information we have about you, the purposes of collecting it, and its sources. You can obtain a copy of your personal data by sending a written request to info@spacelight.studio. Verification of your identity may be required.

Right to Deletion

You also have the right to request the deletion of some or all of your personal information. To do so, please send an email to info@spacelight.studio.

Protection and Storage of Your Personal Data

We take data security seriously and have implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard your information against unauthorized processing, loss, alteration, misuse, or disclosure. Your data is stored on restricted-access equipment within controlled facilities. Our security protocols are regularly reviewed to ensure that your personal data is handled responsibly and in accordance with data protection laws.